🍊 Luke Talman 🍊

SOG is beyond excited to represent Mr. Luke Talman as the Secretary of the SOG Board for the academic year 2023-2024.

Luke’s enriching dedication to the SOG Board Year, next to a full-time master's and several other commitments, is an inspiration to all human beings, yet his hands are still not full. And why isn’t that a problem?

Well, after learning the exceptional trade of taking minutes from his study association, and having perfected this invaluable skill during a previous board year, Luke is disappointedly still unable to type blindly…

Luke embarks on his journey as Secretary with his two bent fingers, a loud angelic voice shouting ”WHAT WAS JUST SAID”, and “BY WHOM”, towards the luminous trail, a beacon amid the shadows, and a path so crystalline it beckons with an ethereal clarity, that lies before him.

Long and wordy minutes are not his style. After all, good minutes are concise minutes.